Proudly affiliated with the Reconciling Ministries NetworkBurnt Hills United Methodist Church is proud to be an affiliate of the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN). Through this partnership, we hope to better live into our baptismal covenant to "resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves," by recognizing all persons as lovingly- and wonderfully-made children of God.
Our welcoming statement
"At Burnt Hills UMC, we aspire to be a community of grace and unconditional love, where all people will find hospitality, compassion and mercy. We seek to welcome all on the journey, to grow together in faith and to go out to serve the world. We welcome people of any age, culture, race, nationality, ability, marital status, economic status, sexual orientation and gender identity, as full participants in the life of our congregation. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we seek to be part of Jesus’ movement of love and justice for all of God’s children. All are welcome to worship, grow and serve with us."