"...To Make Disciples For The Transformation of the World"
The United Methodist Church's mission is to "make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." As a part of the United Methodist Church, it is our responsibility to live out this mission intentionally. To do just, we've developed a discipleship plan.
Our Discipleship Plan seeks to build a shared understanding of what being a disciple means in the faith context of this community, why it is important, and how we can grow together as followers of Jesus. It is intended for all persons who connect to BHUMC, visitors, casual attendees, regular attendees, and members alike.
Our Discipleship Plan seeks to build a shared understanding of what being a disciple means in the faith context of this community, why it is important, and how we can grow together as followers of Jesus. It is intended for all persons who connect to BHUMC, visitors, casual attendees, regular attendees, and members alike.
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