- Our Sunday School is a warm and inviting place where children learn and experience God’s love. We have a wonderful staff of teachers and aides, and are so thankful for the energy and devotion they bring to this ministry!
- Sunday School classes meet from September through mid-June during the 10:30 am service, offering classes for Nursery, Pre-K & K, 1st & 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th- 8th Grade, and 9th – 12th Grade.
- On the first Sunday of the month, our Jr. and Sr. High classes remain in the 10:30 am service and take an active role in worship; serving as ushers, greeters, reading the scripture lessons and assisting with serving Communion. This is a great experience for our youth and the rest of the congregation as well, and helps us all to grow!
- Here is a link to our Safe Sanctuaries Policy.
Sunday School is planning to begin on Sunday, September 19, 2021! Students and teachers will assemble in Knight Hall at 10:30 AM. TO REGISTER YOUR STUDENT, please visit: https://forms.gle/vZNQiUKPYNgKnLXd6 To find out about Voices of Hope and Cherub Choir, our Music Programs for Children, click here
A scene from our Christmas Pageant!